Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"It's kind of fun to do the Impossible"

Hey y'all! Here's an update from the past couple weeks. I can't believe this summer project is over half over. 4 more weeks! I'm so blessed to be here and all the great people I've come to build relationships with.

This past couple weeks have been great: hanging out with coworkers, getting out of my comfort zone more, and just really coming to understand more of God's desire for my life and changing my heart to align with His.

It was a nice change of pace when we had our men's and women's day. The women had a relaxing day of mandatory nap time, watching movies, and giving each other pedicures and massages; a pamper day was definitely on the list of needs hitting that half way mark of project. The strenuous work schedule and constantly being on the go was taking its toll on everyone.

To sum up our "FIGHT" theme for women's time we ended with talking about truth. Without truth I would not have growth in my life. "Truth lasts; lies are here today, gone tomorrow" Proverbs 12:19. We were encourged to continuously speak truth into each others lives and think about a girl that I have been holding truth from and what is it that I can be speaking truth into their lives.

We just went through the transition of staff leaving and leadership roles being passed to students. As a project, we are now having to step up and rely on each other more to use what we learned from staff and take initiative going out into our workplaces and reaching out to coworkers. Mid-project banquet was exciting and full of emotion. We went to a really nice resturaunt, had a 3 course meal with speeches from the directors, new student directors, and story telling from students thanking our leaders for all they have done for us. Food was delicious, some tears were shed, lots of goodbyes and pictures, and the night was wrapped up with some good worship.

My carpool and I have been making great progress with getting to know our coworkers and taking time to hang out with them as much as we can. So far we've gone to Disney parks, seen movies, had late night feasts after work at Steak N' Shake, Ihop, and Applebee's. I'm making some amazing friends and having a good time getting to know all of them. Some of our coworkers you can keep in your prayers are: Rachel, Naiquan, Ryan, Gabby, Jordan, Dakota, Santiago, Porche, Katie, James, Krista, Stephan, Roy, Susie, Susan, Beth Ann, Izzy, and there's plenty more we work with too so also just be praying for Pecos Bills as a whole. We are definitely all our own little family now. I'm looking forward to what else God has planned for this summer and the growth we'll get to witness and experience ourselves.